Declaration of Honour

A project legal signatory (PLSIGN) must sign a 'Declaration of Honour' on the Funding & Tenders Portal on behalf of each beneficiary before the grant agreement can be signed. The coordinator cannot sign it on behalf of other beneficiaries.

This declaration ensures that all beneficiaries comply with the rules and are not in a situation that would exclude them from receiving EU funding (e.g. bankruptcy).

This Declaration of Honour needs to be signed before the Grant Agreement can be signed:

For Affiliated Entities (Linked Third Parties)

Please note that for all calls with a SEP Submission deadline date after 09.04.2020, if there are Affiliated Entities in the Consortium, the responsible Beneficiary will have a separate task for the DoH for each Affiliated Entity. The Beneficiary needs to:

The Beneficiary will be informed of any modifications made to the list of Affiliated Entities as a result of an amendment or of any other impacting business process.

Signing the Declaration of Honour step-by-step

The Cofund type of action has an additional Declaration of Honour to upload - please see below how to upload it step-by-step :

Select the type of document you are uploading and click Add new attachment.

Please note that Annex A is mandatory to upload.

Once you finished, click OK.