The Ultimate Guide to Quality Control Inspections in Construction

Managing a construction project is a complex and stressful process. Among other things, you have to coordinate project team members, materials, and equipment and ensure that contractors are not afflicted by the potential risks and hazards present at the construction site.

That said, quality means different things to different people, which is why you should adhere to construction quality control standards. If your project fails to meet the quality acceptance standards, you’ll not only get on the wrong side with your stakeholders, but you might also face lawsuits. In this post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about quality control inspections in construction.

What Is Quality Control in Construction?

Quality control in construction refers to a management process aimed at ensuring that the final deliverable meets the standards and guidelines set by the client. This includes avoiding disputes throughout the life cycle of the project and completing the project within the scope of the work.

Typically, quality is defined by regulatory agencies, the client, and environmental and policy guidelines. These assurance procedures and requirements are documented in a construction quality management plan.

Quality control in construction has two aspects: quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA). Quality assurance outlines the quality management targets and how quality will be attained, and quality control is the roadmap to achieving it.

Types of Quality Control

Quality control in construction is not a function of any single individual or department. It is the primary responsibility of the supervisor or construction manager to turn out work of acceptable standards.

There are three main types of quality control. They include:

Construction Quality Control Procedures

How do you attain first-time quality? Think of the construction process as a closed-loop system where deficiencies are discovered, handled, accepted, and closed using the following procedures:

1. Definition and sharing of acceptance criteria

It is essential that you ensure that subcontractors, superintendents, and crews are on the same page about what qualifies as an acceptable result. When all participants of the project understand what their goals are, they are in a better position to get it right the first time.

Among the standards that can be incorporated into the acceptance criteria include:

2. Creation of an inspection plan

The construction inspection process lets you determine whether a given task was completed to the specifications. The construction team needs to know what will be inspected, when the inspection will occur, and who will be conducting the inspections.

The construction process requires several inspections. Establishing a plan in advance enables you to identify all the necessary inspections and ascertain that they have been completed through a record of acceptance.

3. Use a checklist to undertake the inspections

Quality inspection checklists will help you stay organized and ensure that all essential items are verified. Nonetheless, not all checklists are equally effective.

One common issue with the checklists is that checkpoints are usually vague. This makes the inspection open to interpretation and inconsistency. Additionally, most checklists are simple binary complete/incomplete or yes/no, which isn’t enough to accurately measure the quality of a project.

Among the benefits of using a checklist is that it can be shared among team members before the project begins and prior to each construction task to communicate essential requirements. While they are not the same as specs, they outline the processes that need to be done right.

4. Correcting deficiencies and verifying acceptance criteria

While clients may not consciously realize the when and the order of construction deficiencies that have been identified through the inspection process, crews and subcontractors must correct them. This process entails:

5. Prevention of future deficiencies

This is the final step that closes the loop. Here, you need to learn why the deficiency occurred and make adjustments to the quality control process so that it doesn’t happen again. Ensure that the item is incorporated into the acceptance criteria and communicated to all parties. Success is when you don’t experience an issue again—this means you are closer to attaining first-time quality with zero deficiencies.

What Causes Quality Control Issues?

Quality is of vital importance in the construction business. It can make or break the reputation of a construction company. Despite there being construction quality models and methodologies, most companies still struggle to produce work that meets quality standards. But what exactly contributes to the poor quality? Here is an outline of the common causes of quality control issues:






How to Ensure Quality in Construction

Here is an outline of some of the things you should do to ensure quality in your construction project:

Importance of Quality Control Inspections

Construction quality control inspections carry a lot of weight both for the workers and project managers. These inspections are essential in ensuring that the project runs efficiently and safely. Below is an outline of some of the benefits of quality control inspections:

Benefits of Using Software for Quality Control Inspections

Quality inspection software is an app-based solution that facilitates quality inspection. It is commonly used on tablets and smartphones. This software helps quality inspectors schedule quality inspections, evaluate workloads, input product information, remit information to stakeholders, and share results with project managers on time.

Some of the benefits of using this software when conducting quality control inspections include:

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