What are the various clauses present under construction all-risk insurance?

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  • Construction All-risk Insurance

    Construction all risk insurance policy is taken by building contractors or developers to cover against the loss or damage caused to the property at their construction site. This policy also covers the contractor’s liability for third-party claims arising from the construction activities. There are various clauses present in the policy document of the construction all-risk insurance policy.

    Clauses under construction all-risk insurance are mentioned below:

    72 hours occurrence clause:

    In this clause, the loss or damage caused to the Insured property during any one period of 72 consecutive hours, considers a single event. The cause for loss or damage can be a storm, tempest, flood, or earthquake. However, there should not be any overlapping in any two or more such 72 hours periods occurring over a more extended period.

    Basis of loss settlement clause:

    According to this clause, the basis of loss settlement will be:

    When the damage can be repaired: The loss settlement will be based on the cost of repairs necessary to restore the items to their conditions prior to the damage or loss.

    In the event of a total loss: The loss settlement will be based on the actual value of the items immediately before the occurrence of the damage. The loss here covers only the extent, included in the sum insured.

    Claim settlement clause under all-risk insurance:

    According to this clause, the insurer will settle the claim as soon as he is notified by the insured with a written notification and supporting documents. However, if the insured fails to inform after a stipulated period mentioned in the policy document the claim doesn’t settle.

    Cross liability clause:

    According to this clause, the third-party liability cover of the policy applies to the insured parties named in the policy document as if a separate policy had been issued to each party. However, there are exclusions to this clause, and hence the insured needs to understand them correctly.

    Strike, riot, and civil commotion damage clause:

    This clause covers the insured against the loss or damage to the property caused by strike, riot, and civil commotion.

    Automatic reinstatement clause in construction all-risk insurance:

    According to this clause, the insured will get the full sum. When he is undertaking to pay an additional premium at the agreed rate on the amount of loss calculated on a pro-rata basis. The dates here start from the date of the reinstatement to the expiry of the current period of insurance.

    Over time, night work express freight clause:

    Covers the insured for the extra charge of overtime, night work, work on public holidays, and express freight caused due to any loss or damage to the items covered under the Policy.

    Debris removal clause under all-risk insurance:

    According to this clause, the insured gets coverage for the cost of removal of debris, propping or shoring up, demolition, and any temporary repairs. Due to the fire or any other perils as mentioned in the policy document.

    Fire extinguishing costs clause in construction all risk:

    According to this clause, the insured also covers the cost of refilling the fire extinguishing appliances. The cost directly relates to the use of fire extinguishing appliances for the safety of the insured property.

    Insured’s consultant clause:

    In the case when the insured pays the agreed extra premium amount, the party liability cover of the policy also applies to the insured’s consultant. As if issued a separate policy for each party.

    Notice of cancellation clause:

    According to this clause, the Insurer after the provision of a written notice to the insured can terminate the Insurance at any time. The termination becomes effective as per the duration provided by the insurers in the insurance policy.

    Payment on account clause:

    This clause states that the insured gets his pay for the loss according to the mutually agreed stages between the insured and the insurer. And on the production of an interim report by the Loss Adjuster if any.

    Transmission and distribution lines exclusion clause in Construction All-risk Insurance

    This clause states that the policy does not cover any loss caused to the wire, cables, poles, pylons, standard towers, transmission or distribution of electrical power, telephone or telegraph signal, and communication signals. That does not fall within the specified radius as mentioned in the policy document. This exclusion applies to above as well as below-ground equipment.

    Offsite storage and fabrication clause under Construction all-risk Insurance:

    This clause states that the construction all-risk insurance policy will cover the loss or damage to materials or goods. Happens when stored anywhere other than the actual site.

    Vibration removal or weakening of support clause:

    The construction all-risk insurance policy will indemnify the insured for the loss or damage. Caused by vibration or by the removal or weakening of support. Covering the insured, provided that he adheres to the instructions given in the policy document.

    Waiver of subrogation clause in construction insurance:

    According to this clause, the Insurers can waive all rights of subrogation. Arising out of loss or damage caused by a person using the insured items with the consent of the Insured.

    Case Study: Clauses under construction all-risk insurance

    Rajesh, an owner of a construction company purchased a construction all-risk insurance policy. In order to protect his construction sites against any losses caused due to various perils. While construction work was going on on one of his sites, a fire broke out in one of the electrical circuits. Immediately extinguished the fire with the prudent efforts of a nearby worker, causing no further harm.

    Rajesh notified his insurance company about the scenario. Since Rajesh had a fire extinguishing costs clause included in his policy, indemnified him for the cost of refilling the fire extinguisher as they used it to extinguish the fire. Since using the appliance to safeguard the insured property, indemnified Rajesh for the cost of refilling.

    About The Author


    MBA Insurance and Risk

    She has a passion for property insurance and a wealth of experience in the field, Shivani has been a valuable contributor to SecureNow for the past six years. As a seasoned writer, they specialize in crafting insightful articles and engaging blogs that educate and inform readers about the intricacies of property insurance. She brings a unique blend of expertise and practical knowledge to their writing, drawing from her extensive background in the insurance industry. Having worked in various capacities within the sector, she deeply understands the challenges and opportunities facing property owners and insurers alike.

    Tagged: risk insurance policyrisk insurance

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