Backend Development

Backend Development involves the logic, database, and other operations that are built behind the scenes to run the web servers efficiently.


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What is Backend Development?

Backend Development refers to the server-side development of the web application. It is the part of the application where the server and database reside and the logics is build to perform operations. It includes the main features and functionalities of the application on the server. Programming languages for the backend are mainly Node. JS (for JavaScript), Django (for Python), Spring (Java), etc.

Backend Development Roadmap

1. Knowledge of Web Server

The web server runs websites, it stores, processes, and delivers (response) web pages to the user’s request. When the user makes a request by the web server, it is accepted by an HTTP server which finds and sends back the content to the browser through HTTP. Some examples of web servers are Apache and NGINX which are open-source platforms used to deliver content as per requests made.

2. Programming Languages and Their Frameworks

Choose and Learn any of the Programming languages and its frameworks.

3. Version Control System (Git)

Version control system helps in maintaining and tracking changes in code changes to be used for future implementations. They are software tools that help in managing changes in source code over time. Git which is free and open-source can be the best choice as a version control system because of its secure, flexible, and easy-to-edit features.

Why Git?

4. Knowledge of Web Security

Various threats can attack a website which could result in its poor performance. Web security refers to the protective measures and protocols developers should follow to build an optimized and effective website. It includes scanning a website for vulnerabilities to defend against thefts or loss that occurs due to digital hackers.

Types of Risks developers face could be malware, backlisting, buffer overflow, and sensitive data exposure. Various techniques can be followed to avoid such issues:

Using HTTPS: HTTPS is a secured HTTP. When data is sent using HTTPS, it is protected via the Transport Layer Security protocol, which has three layers of protection:

  1. Encryption : Way of securing data along with a password or “key” which is used to decrypt the information.
  2. Data Integrity: When data integrity is secure, information stored in a database is complete, accurate, and reliable for a lifetime.
  3. Authentication : This method protects against attacks and builds user trust which response to business growth.

Implementing secure backup and recovery: Data loss could be the major threat that could lead to security breaches. To avoid this, make sure to implement a backup process. This could be implemented in many ways:

and various other methods include XSS Attacks, Software updates, and SQL Injection.

5. APIs (Application Programming Interface)

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of functions that perform accessing data and interacting with external software components, microservices, and OS. In short, it delivers users’ responses to the system and sends responses back to the user. It is because of APIs (which act as a software intermediary) that two applications talk to each other. APIs are used by backend developers to create connections between services or applications to initiate communication to improve user experience. Express is a good choice for a server to create and expose APIs to have client-server communication. Some of the APIs you should know about are:

6. Containerization & Testing

7. Deployment

When the testing passes, developers move to the deployment where they can see the working of their application. It can also be referred to as a live environment. This process includes 5 steps: Planning, development, testing, deploying, and monitoring.

8. Cloud Providers

Everything is making its way to the cloud, be it software, applications, services, or products. Cloud computing. It is Web-based computing that permits businesses and individuals to consume computing resources such as virtual machines, databases, processing, services, storage, and events, and gives you a pay-as-you-go service. Cloud computing can be divided into three major categories, Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

The most used Cloud Services are:

Backend Development Frameworks / Technologies

Benefits of Back-End Development

Backend Development Projects

Backend Development Course

Backend Development Interview Questions


What is Backend Developement?

Web development activities that are done on the backend of the application are called backend development . Backend development covers server-side development , application integration, and activities like creating libraries and writing APIs . It focuses on application architecture so it is really crucial to choose the right backend development technology. It functions as a process that sends and receives information to coordinate with the front end and display data.

Explain the difference between frontend and backend development.

Front-end works on UI and is heavily based on designing to make your website as attractive as possible while the back-end deals with all the complicated and messy stuff that actually makes your website run (like database operations, user authentication, application logic, etc).

What is the role of a backend developer in a web application?

A backend developer is a software developer who builds logic for developing a website. He/She works on the mechanism that processes data and performs operations. Backend development (server-side development) takes care of database management, security, and management of the website.

Which is the best backend framework in 2023?

What are the advantages of using a framework for backend development?