Official Moscow Metro map

metro vestibule map tizer

Commissioned by the Moscow Department of Transportation, the studio produced the official Moscow Metro map.

Metro car maps

There’re six versions of the map prepared for every metro car type: from classic “numbered” models to modern Rusich.

Version for Oka metro car

Release date: June 05 2013

art director technical designer typesetter proofreader translator consultant project managers

The map created in the studio has won in an open competition organized by the Moscow Department of Transportation that took place November 1, 2012 till January 31, 2013. The map first appeared in the Moscow metro cars on May 23, 2013.

Moscow Metro rules

The list of Moscow Metro rules is mandatory for every metro car. The rules themselves are not to be shortened or altered in any way per resolution № of the Moscow City Council dated September 16, 2008. For the first time in the history the list is laid out in a welcoming way.

The type size is larger, while the text lines are shorter, which contributes to higher legibility. The message is reinforced visually: the numbers of prohibiting sections are marked with the recognizable stop sign.

The main rules of self-conduct in metro cars are doubled with pictograms: no drinking of alcoholic beverages, no smoking, and no placing of private ads. Two other pictograms remind the passengers and metro employees to not take any video without written permission, but to take photos freely.

(PDF, 400 KB) No smoking, photography’s welcomed

Maps on an Info-SOS kiosk

Info-SOS emergency call kiosks are located in the center of each station and also at metro entrance halls. An abbreviated map version is placed to the left from the speaker at a passenger’s eye level.

Full version Abbreviated version

metro wagon map people 06 front

metro wagon map people 01 front

metro official map sosinfo metro official map infosos

metro wagon map people 01 back

metro wagon map people 06 back

The opposite side of the kiosk carries the full map with English “subtitles,” railroads, and bus routes.