Short forms of words used in WhatsApp and SMS messages (2000+)
Chatting on Whatsapp and via text messages can be very fun. This is because you are not restricted by your use of language like you would if you were communicating via emails where you have a lot of etiquette to follow.
Chatting can be fun because you can make use of Whatsapp abbreviations and chatting shortcut words, thereby saving yourself the time you would have spent writing out the words in full.
In this post, we have made a summary of 2000 short forms of words used In Whatsapp messaging.
For the Avoidance of Doubt, Whatsapp is an American software, cross-platform centralized messaging and voice-over-IP service owned by Facebook. It allows users to send text messages and voice messages, makes voice and video calls, and share images, documents, user locations, and other content. (Wikipedia). Whatsapp currently has over Two billion (2,000,000,000) users worldwide.

It is not the only messaging application you can use these short forms of words.
However, you can as well use it on Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.
But we all know that Whatsapp is the popular social media right now after the Facebook messenger.
It is important to note that none of these short forms of words used In this post were made as a language by Whatsapp creators.
All of these words were created by Whatsapp users over time during conversations with fellow users.
I don’t think there is anybody who has not seen these short forms of words used In Whatsapp.
Perhaps, someone has sent something like “Howfa” which means “What’s up”. The truth is that most often, pride won’t allow me to ask the meaning of the short words, so I google the word to understand them before attempting to reply to their message
However, other languages like Hindu, Spanish, French, and many more have their special Whatsapp abbreviations.
In addition to that, it is right for you to know that these short forms of words are not appropriate during a formal conversation.
While you are free to use them while chatting with friends and relations I wouldn’t advise you to don’t use them while discussing business or related conversations.
I have these short forms of words in a pdf in which you can download and go through it anytime.
To make it easier for you to read, we have arranged the words in an alphabetical order.
2000 Short forms of words used in WhatsApp and text messages
Here are the 2000 short forms of words used in Whatsapp while chatting with a friend
WhatsApp Abbreviation You Can Start Using Right Now
- ? — “I don’t understand what you mean”
- ^^ — “red line” or “read the message” above
- 1UP — “extra life (online gaming)”
- 121 — “One-to-one (private chat initiation)”
- 1337 — “Leet, meaning ‘elite’
- 143 — “I love you”
- 1432 — “I love you too”
- 182 — “I hate you”
- 10X — “Thanks”
- 10Q — “Thank you”
- 1CE — “Once”
- 1DR — “I wonder”
- 1NAM — “One in a million”
- 2 — “to”
- 20 — “location”
- 2B — “To be”
- 2EZ — “Too easy”
- 2G2BT — “Too good to be true”
- 2M2H — “Too much too handle”
- 2MI — “Too much information”
- 2MOR — “Tomorrow”
- 2M2H — “Too much to handle”
- 2N8 — “Tonight”
- 2NTE — “Tonight”
- 4 — “Shortcut “for” in SMS
- 404 — “I don’t know”
- 420 — “Let’s get high”
- 420 — “Marijuana”
- 4AO — “For adults only”
- 4COL — “For crying out loud”
- 4EAE — “Forever and ever”
- 4EVA — “Forever”
- 4NR — “Foreigner”
- ^5 — “High-five”
- 555 — “Sobbing, crying. (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)”
- 55555 — “Crying your eyes out (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)”
- 6Y — “Sexy”
- 7K — “Sick”
- 831 — “I love you (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning)”
- 88 — “Hugs and kisses”
- 9 — “Parent is watching”
- *s* — “smile”
- *w* — “wink”
- A3 — “Anytime, anywhere, anyplace”
- AA — “As above”
- AA– “Ask about”
- AAF — “As a matter of fact”
- AA — “Alcoholics Anonymous “
- AAF — “As a friend”
- AAK — “Asleep at the keyboard”
- AAK — “Alive and kicking”
- AAMOF — “As a matter of fact”
- AAMOI — “As a matter of interest”
- AAP — “Always a pleasure”
- AAR — “At any rate”
- AAS — “Alive and smiling”
- AATK — “Always at the keyboard”
- AAYF — “As always, your friend”
- ABBR — “abbreviation”
- ABC — “Already been chewed”
- ABD — “Already been done”
- ABT — “About”
- ABT2 — “About to”
- ABTA — “Good-bye (signoff)”
- ABU — “All bugged up”
- AC — “Acceptable content”
- ACC — “Anyone can come”
- ACE — “marijuana cigarette”
- ACK — “Acknowledge”
- ACPT — “Accept (e-mail, Government)
- ADAD — “Another day, another dollar”
- ADBB — “All done, bye-bye”
Some popular short word used in WhatsApp Messaging
- ADD Address
- ADDY Address
- ADIH Another day in hell
- ADIP Another day in paradise
- ADMIN Administrator
- ADN Any day now
- ADR Address
- AE Area effect (online gaming)
- AEAP As early as possible
- AF As *Freak*
- AFC Away from the computer
- AFAIAA – As far as I am aware
- AFAIC – As far as I am concerned
- AFAIK – As far as I know
- AFAIUI – As far as I understand it
- AFAP – As far as possible
- AFFA – Angels Forever, Forever Angels
- AFK. – Away from keyboard
- AFZ – Acronym Free Zone
- AFPOE – A fresh pair of eyes
- AGI – Meaning “agility” (online gaming)
- AH – At home
- AIAMU And I am a money’s uncle
- AIGHT Alright
- AIR As I remember
- AISB As it should be
- AISB As I said before
- AISI As I see it
- AITR Adult in the room
- AKA Also known as
- ALCON All concerned
- ALOL Actually laughing out loud
- AMA Ask me anything (Reddit)
- AMAP As much as possible
- AMBW All my best wishes
- AML All my love
- AMOF As a matter of fact
- A/N Author’s note
- AOC Available on cell
- AOM Age of majority
- AOTA All of the above
- AOYP Angel on your pillow
- APAC All praise and credit
- APP Application
- APP Appreciate
- AQAP As quick (or quiet) as possible
- ARC Archive (compressed files)
- ARE Acronym rich environment
- ARG Argument
- ASIG And so it goes
- ASAP As soon as possible
- A/S/L Age/sex/location
- ASL Age/sex/location
- ASLA Age/sex/location/availability
- AT At your terminal
- ATB All the best
- ATEOTD At the end of the day
- ATM At the moment
- ATSITS All the stars in the sky
- ATSL Along the same line (or lines)
- AWC After awhile crocodile
- AWESO Awesome
- AWOL Away without leaving
- AWOL Absent without leave
- AYDY Are you done yet?
Text Message Short Words
- AYBABTUAll your base belongs to us (online gaming)
- AYEC At your earliest convenience
- AYOR At your own risk
- AYSOS Are you stupid or something?
- AYS Are you serious?
- AYT Are you there?
- AYTMTBAnd you’re telling me this because
- AYV Are you vertical?
- AYW As you were
- AYW As you want / As you wish
- AZN Asian
- B& Banned
- B2B Business-to-business
- B2C Business-to-consumer
- B2W Back to work
- B8 Bait (person teased or joked with, or under-aged person/teen)
- B9 Boss is watching
- B/F Boyfriend
- B/G Background (personal information request)
- B4 Before
- B4N Bye for now
- BAG Busting a gut
- BA Bad *a*
- BAE Before anyone else
- BAE Meaning Babe or baby
- BAFO Best and final offer
- BAK Back at keyboard
- BAM Below average mentality
- BAMF Bad *a* mother *f*
- BAO Be aware of
- BAS Big ‘butt’ smile
- BASOR Breathing a sigh of relief
- BAU Business as usual
- BAY Back at ya
- BB Be back
- BBC Big bad challenge
- BBIAB Be back in a bit
- BBIAF Be back in a few
- BBIAM Be back in a minute
- BBIAS Be back in a sec
- BBL Be back later
- BBN Bye, bye now
- BBQ Barbeque, “Ownage”, shooting score/frag (online gaming)
- BBS Be back soon
- BBT Be back tomorrow
- BC Because
- B/C Because
- BC Be cool
More Chatting Shortcut Words You Should be Using
Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
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Messenger chat Abbreviation
- CU See you
- CU2 See you
- CUA See you around
- CUL See you later
- CULA See you later alligator
- CUL8R See you later
- CUMID See you in my dreams
- CURLO See you around like a donut
- CWOT Complete waste of time
- CWYL Chat with you later
- CX Meaning “Correction”
- CYA See you
- CYE Check your e-mail
- CYEP Close your eyes partner (online gaming)
- CYO See you online
- D46? Down for sex?
- DA Meaning “The”
- DAE Does anyone else?
- DAFUQ (What) the *Freak*?
- DAM Don’t annoy me
- DBAU Doing business as usual
- DBEYR Don’t believe everything you read
- DC Disconnect
- DD Dear (or Darling) daughter
- DD Due diligence
- DDG Drop dead gorgeous
- DEGT Dear (or Darling) daughter
- DERP Meaning stupid or silly
- DF Don’t even go there
- DFL Dead *freaking* last (online gaming)
- DGA Don’t go anywhere
- DGAF Don’t give a *freak*
- DGT Don’t go there
- DGTG Don’t go there, girlfriend
- DGYF Dang, girl you fine
- DH Dear (or Darling) husband
- DHU Dinosaur hugs (used to show support)
- DIIK Darned if I know
- DIKU Do I know you?
- DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a *freak*?
- DILLIGAS Do I look like I give a sugar?
- DIS Did I say?
- DITYID Did I tell you I’m distressed?
- DIY Do it yourself
- DKDC Don’t know, don’t care
- DKP Dragon kill points (online gaming)
- D/L Download
- DL Download
- DL Down low
- DL Dead link
- DLBBB Don’t let (the) bed bugs bite
- DLTBBB Don’t let the bed bugs bite
- DM Doesn’t matter
- DM Direct message (Twitter slang)
- DM Do me
More short chatting word
- DM Dungeon Master (online gaming)
- DMNO Dude Man No Offense
- DMY Don’t mess yourself
- DN Down
- DNC Do not compute (meaning I do not understand)
- DNR Dinner (SMS)
- DNT Don’t
- d00d Dude
- DOE Daughter of Eve
- DORBS Meaning “Adorable”
- DOT Damage over time (online gaming)
- DPS Damage per second (online gaming)
- DQMOTDon’t quote me on this
- DR Didn’t read
- DS Dear (or Darling) son
- DTR Define the relationship
- DTRT Do the right thing
- DTS Don’t think so
- DTTD Don’t touch that dial
- DUPE Duplicate
- DUR Do you remember?
- DV8 Deviate
- DW Dear (or Darling) wife
- DWF Divorced white female
- DWM Divorced white male
- DXNRY Dictionary
- DYNWUTBDo you know what you are talking about?
- DYFI Did you find it?
- DYFM Dude, you fascinate me
- DYJHIW Don’t you just hate it when…?
- DYORDo your own research
- E Ecstasy
- E Enemy (online gaming)
- E1 Everyone
- E123 Easy as one, two, three
- E2EG Ear to ear grin
- EAK Eating at keyboard
- EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair
- ED Erase display
- EF4T Effort
- EG Evil grin
- EI Eat it
- EIP Editing in progress
- ELI5 Explain like I’m 5
- EM E-mail (Twitter slang)
- EMA E-mail address (Twitter slang)
- EMBAR Meaning “Embarrassing”
- EMFBI Excuse me for butting in
- EMFBI Excuse me for jumping in
- EMSG E-mail message
- ENUF Enough
This list is long – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- EOD End of day
- EOD End of discussion
- EOL End of lecture
- EOL End of life
- EOM End of message
- EOS End of show
- EOT End of transmission
- ES Erase screen
- ESAD Eat *S* and die!
- ETA Estimated time (of) arrival
- ETA Edited to add
- EVA Ever
- EVO Evolution
- EWG Evil wicked grin (in fun, teasing)
- EWI Emailing while intoxicated
- EYC Excitable, yet calm
- EZ Easy
- EZY Easy
- F Meaning female
- F2F Face to face
- F2P Free to play (online gaming)
- FAAK Falling asleep at the keyboard
- FAB Fabulous
- FAF Funny as *freak*
- FAQ Frequently asked questions
- FAY *Freak* all you
- FB Facebook
- FBB Meaning “Facebook buddy”
- FBC Facebook chat
- FBF Flashback Friday
- FBF Meaning “Facebook friend”
- FBF Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers, fries)
- FBFR FaceBook friend
- FBM Fine by me
- FBOW For better or worse
- FC Fingers crossed
- FC Full card (online gaming)
- FC’INGOFor crying out loud
- FCOLFor crying out loud
- Feels good man — A social meme that means to feel positive.
- FEITCTAJ*Freak* ’em if they can’t take a joke
- FFFollow Friday (Twitter slang)
- FFS For *freak’*sakes
- FICCL Frankly I couldn’t care a less
- FIF *Freak* I’m funny
- FIIK *Freaked* if I know
- FIIOOH Forget it, I’m out of here
- FIL Father in law
Shortcut words for text
Shortcut word for SMS
Shor form of messaging.
More WhatsApp abbreviation
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Whatsapp short forms of chat
L – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- L2K Like to come
- L2P Learn to play
- l33t Leet, meaning ‘elite’
- L8R Later
- L8RG8R Later, gator
- LBAY Laughing back at you
- LBS Laughing, but serious
- LBVS Laughing, but very serious
- LD Later, dude
- LD Long distance
- LDO Like, duh obviously
- LEMENOLet me know
- LERK Leaving easy reach of keyboard
- LFD Left for day
- LFG Looking for group (online gaming)
- LFG Looking for guard (online gaming)
- LFM Looking for more (online gaming)
- LGH Lets get high
- LH6 Lets have sex
- LHSX Lets have sex
- LHM Lord help me
- LHO Laughing head off
- LI LinkedIn
- LIC Like I care
- LIK Meaning liquor
- LIMT Laugh in my tummy
- LLGB Love, later, God bless
- LLS Laughing like *silly*
- LMAO Laughing my *a* off
- LMBO Laughing my butt off
- LMFAO Laughing my freaking *a* off
- LMIRL Lets meet in real life
- LMK Let me know
- LMMFAOLaughing my mother freaking a** off
- LMNK Leave my name out
- LMS Like my status (Facebook)
- LNT Meaning lost in translation
- LOA List of acronyms
- LOB Left On Base
- LOL Laughing out loud
- LOL Laugh out loud
- LOL Lots of love
- LOLH Laughing out loud hysterically
- LOLO Lots of love
- LOLWTFLaughing out loud (saying) “What the *freak*?”
- LOTI Laughing on the inside
- LOTR Lord of The Rings (online gaming)
- LQTM Laughing quietly to myself
- LSHMBH Laugh so hard my belly hurts
- LTD Living the dream
- LTLWDLSLet’s twist like we did last summer
- LTNS Long time no see
- LTOD Laptop of death
- LTS Laughing to self
- LULT Love you long time
- LULZ Meaning joke, or for laughs
- LVM Left voice mail
- LWOS Laughing without smiling
- LY Love ya
- LYLAS Love you like a sis
- LYLC Love you like crazy
- LYSM Love you so much
M – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- M$ Microsoft
- M8 Mate
- MB Mamma’s boy
- MBS Mom behind shoulder
- MC Merry Christmas
- MDIAC My Dad is a cop
- MEGO My eyes glaze over
- MEH Meaning a “shrug” or shrugging shoulders
- MEH Meaning a “so-so” or “just okay”
- MEHH Meaning a “sigh” or sighing
- MFI Mad for it
- MGB May God bless
- MGMT Management
- MHOTY My hat (is) off to you
- MIRL Me in real life
- MIRL Meet in real life
- MKAY Meaning “Mmm, okay”
- MLM Meaning give the middle finger
- MM Sister (Mandarin Chinese txt msg)
- MMK Meaning okay? (as a question)
- MNC Mother nature calls
- MOD Moderator
- MOD Modification
- MORF Male or female?
- MOMBOYMamma’s boy
- MOO My own opinion
- MOOS Member of the opposite sex
- MOS Mother over shoulder
- MOSS Member of same sex
- MP Mana points (online gaming)
- What is Mtchew in WhatsApp? hissing
- MSG Message
- MTF More to follow
- MTFBWUMay the force be with you
- MUMiss U (you)
- MUAH Multiple unsuccessful attempts (at/to) humor
- MUSM Miss you so much
- MWAH Meaning “kiss” (it is is the sound made when kissing through the air)
- MYO Mind your own (business)
- MYOB Mind your own business
N – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
O – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
P – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- P Partner (online gaming)
- P2P Parent to parent
- P2P Peer to peer
- P2P Pay to play (online gaming)
- P911 Parents coming into room alert
- PAT Meaning “patrol” (online gaming)
- PAW Parents are watching
- PBOOK Phonebook (e-mail)
- PC Player character (online gaming)
- PCM Please call me
- PDA Personal display (of) affection
- PDH Pretty darn happy
- PDS Please don’t shoot
- PDQ Pretty darn quick
- PEEPS People
- PFT Pretty *freaking* tight
- PIC Picture
- PIP Peeing in pants (laughing hard)
- PIR Parents in room
- PISS Put in some sugar
- PITA Pain in the *butt*
- PL8 Plate
- PLD Played
- PLMK Please let me know
- PLS Please
- PLU People like us
- PLZ Please
- PLZTLME Please tell me
- PM Private Message
- PMFI Pardon me for interrupting
- PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in
- PMSL Pee myself laughing
- POAHF Put on a happy face
- POIDH Picture, or it didn’t happen
- POS Parent over shoulder
- POT Meaning “potion” (online gaming)
- POV Point of view
- PPL People
- PPU Pending pick-up
- PRESH Precious
- PROBS Probably
- PROLLY Probably
- PROGGYMeaning computer program
- PRON Meaning pornography
- PRT Party
- PRT Please Retweet (Twitter slang)
- PRW People/parents are watching
- PSOS Parent standing over shoulder
- PST Please send tell (online gaming)
- PTFO Pass the *freak* out
- PTL Praise the Lord
- PTMM Please tell me more
- PTO Paid time off
- PTO Personal time off
- PTO Parent Teacher Organization
- PUG Pick up group (online gaming)
- PVP Player versus player (online gaming)
- PWN Meaning “own”
- PXT Please explain that
- PU That stinks!
- PUKS Pick up kids (SMS)
- PYT Pretty young thing
- PZ Peace
- PZA Pizza
Q – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
R –
- R Meaning “are”
- R8 Rate
- RBAY Right back at you
- RFN Right *freaking* now
- RGR Roger (I agree, I understand)
- RHIP Rank has its privileges
- RIP Rest in peace
- RL Real life
- RLY Really
- RME Rolling my eyes
- RMLB Read my lips baby
- RMMM Read my mail man
- ROFL Rolling on floor laughing
- ROFLCOPTER Rolling on floor laughing and spinning around
- ROFLMAO Rolling on the floor, laughing my *butt* off
- ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
- ROTFLUTS Rolling on the floor laughing unable to speak
- RSN Real soon now
- RT Roger that
- RT Retweet
- RTBS Reason to be single
- RTFM Read the *freaking* manual
- RTFQ Read the *freaking* question
- RTHX Meaning “Thanks for the RT (Retweet)” (Twitter slang)
- RTMS Read the manual, stupid
- RTNTN Retention (email, Government)
- RTRCTV Retroactive (email, Government)
- RTRMT Retirement (email, Government)
- RTSM Read the stupid manual
- RTWFQ Read the whole *freaking* question
- RU Are you?
- RUMOF Are you male or female?
- RUT Are u (you) there?
- RUOK Are you okay?
- RX Regards
- RW Real world
- RX Meaning drugs or prescriptions
- RYB Read your Bible
- RYO Roll your own
- RYS Read your screen
- RYS Are you single?
S – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- S2R Send to receive (meaning send me your picture to get mine)
- S2S Sorry to say
- S4L Spam for life
- SAL Such a laugh
- What is SAT in WhatsApp? Sorry about that
- SB Should be
- SB Smiling back
- SBIA Meaning Standing back in amazement
- SBT Sorry ’bout that
- SC Stay cool
- SD Sweet dreams
- SDMB Sweet dreams, my baby
- SENPAI Meaning someone older than you, someone you look up to
- SEO Search engine optimization
- SETE Smiling Ear-to-Ear
- SELFIE A photo that is taken of oneself for social media sharing (definition)
- SFAIK So far as I know
- SH Same here
- SH^ Shut up
- SHID Slapping head in disgust
- SICNR Sorry, I could not resist
- SIG2R Sorry, I got to run
- SIHTH Stupidity is hard to take
- SIMYC Sorry I missed your call
- SIR Strike it rich
- SIS Snickering in silence
- SIS Meaning sister
- SIT Stay in touch
- SITD Still in the dark
- SJW Social justice warrior
- SK8 Skate
- SK8NG Skating
- SK8R Skater
- SK8RBOISkater Boy
- SLAP Sounds like a plan
- SM Social media
- SMAZEDSmoky haze (marijuana stoned)
- SMEXI Combination of sexy and Mexican, used to describe attractive people
- SMH Shaking my head
- SMHID Scratching my head in disbelief
- SNAFU Situation normal all fouled up
- SNERT Snot nosed egotistical rude teenager
- SO Significant other
- SOAB Son of a *B*
- S’OK Meaning It’ (s) okay (ok)
- SOL Sooner or later
- SOMY Sick of me yet?
- SorG Straight or Gay?
- SOS Meaning help
- SOS Son of Sam
- SOT Short of time
- SOTMG Short of time, must go
- SOWM Someone with me
- SPK Speak (SMS)
- SRSLY Seriously
- SPST Same place, same time
- SPTO Spoke to
- SQ Square
- SRY Sorry
- SS So sorry
- SSDD Same stuff, different day
- SSIF So stupid it’s funny
- SSINF So stupid it’s not funny
- ST&D Stop texting and drive
- STFU Shut the *freak* up
- STR8 Straight
- STW Search the Web
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- SU Shut up
- SUITM See you in the morning
- SUL See you later
- SUP What’s up?
- SUTH So use(d) to haters (Facebook)
- SUX Meanings sucks or “it sucks”
- SUYF Shut up you fool
- SWAG Scientific wild *a* guess
- SWAK Sent (or sealed) with a kiss
- SWALK Sealed (or sealed) with a loving kiss
- SWAT Scientific wild *butt* guess
- SWL Screaming with laughter
- SWMBOShe who must be obeyed. Meaning wife or partner
- SYL See you later
- SYS See you soon
- SYY Shut your yapper
- T+ Think positive
- T4BU Thanks for being you
- T:)T Think happy thoughts
- TA Thanks a lot
- TAFN That’s all for now
- TAM Tomorro a.m.
- TANK Meaning really strong
- TANKED Meaning “owned”
- TANKING Meaning “owning”
- TARFU Things Are Really *fouled* Up.
- TAU Thinking about u (you)
- TAUMUALU Thinking about you miss you always love you
- TBAG Process of disgracing a corpse, taunting a fragged/killed player (online gaming)
- TBC To be continued
- TBD To be determined
- TBH To be honest
- TBL Text back later
- TBT Throwback Thursday (Twitter slang)
- TC Take care
T – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
Short Forms of Words Used In WhatsApp in T
U – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- UDM U (You) da (the) man
- UDS Ugly domestic scene
- UFB Un *freaking* believable
- UFN Until further notice
- UFWM You *freaking* with me?
- UGTBK You’ve got to be kidding
- UKTR You know that’s right
- UL Upload
- U-L Meaning “You will”
- UNA Use no acronyms
- UN4TUN8 Unfortunate
- UNBLEFBLE Unbelievable
- UNCRTN Uncertain
- UNPC Un- (not) politically correct
- UOK (Are) You ok?
- UR You are / You’re
- UR2YS4ME You are too wise for me
- URA* You are a star
- URH You are hot (U R Hot)
- URSKTM You are so kind to me
- URTM You are the man
- URW You are welcome
- USBCA Until something better comes along
- USU Usually
- UT Unreal Tournament (online gaming)
- UT2L You take too long
- UTM You tell me
- UV Unpleasant visual
- UW You’re welcome
- UX User experience
Short Forms of Words Used In WhatsApp in V
- V Very
- VAT Value added tax
- VBL Visible bra line
- VBS Very big smile
- VC Voice chat
- VEG Very evil grin
- VFF Very freaking funny
- VFM Value for money
- VGC Very good condition
- VGG Very good game (online gaming)
- VGH Very good hand (online gaming)
- VIP Very important person
- VM Voice mail
- VN Very nice
- VNH Very nice hand (online gaming)
- VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol (definition)
- VRY Very
- VSC Very soft chuckle
- VSF Very sad face
- VWD Very well done (online gaming)
- VWP Very well played (online gaming)
Short Forms of Words Used In WhatsApp in “W”
W – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- WITP What is the point?
- WITW What in the world
- WIU Wrap it up
- WK Week
- WKD Weekend
- WRT With regard to
- WL Whatta loser
- W/O Without
- WOA Work of Art
- WOMBATWaste of money, brains and time
- WOW World of Warcraft (online gaming)
- WRK Work
- What is WRU in WhatsApp? – Where are you
- WRUD What are you doing?
- WTB Want to buy (online gaming)
- WTF What the *freak* ?
- WTFE What the *freak* ever
- WTFO What the *freak* ?, over.
- WTG Way to go
- WTGP Want to go private (talk out of public chat area)
- WTH What the heck?
- WTM Who’s the man?
- WTS Want to sell? (online gaming)
- WTT Want to trade? (online gaming)
- WU What’s up?
- WUCIWUG What you see is what you get
- WUF Where are you from?
- WUP What’s up?
- WUT Meaning “what”
- WUW What u (you) want?
- WUU2 What are you up to?
- WUZ Meaning “was”
- WWJD What would Jesus do?
- WWNC Will wonders never cease
- WWYC Write when you can
- WYCM Will you call me?
- WYD What (are) you doing?
- WYGAM When you get a minute
- WYHAM When you have a minute
- WYLEI When you least expect it
- WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
- WYWH Wish you were here
X – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
- X Kiss
- X! Meaning “a typical woman”
- XD Meaning “really hard laugh” (where D is a smiley mouth)
- XD Meaning a “devilish smile”
- XME Excuse Me
- XOXOXOHugs & Kisses
- XLNT Excellent
- XLR8 Meaning “faster” or “going faster”
- XYL Ex-young lady, meaning wife. (amateur radio)
- XYZ Examine your zipper
Y – Short forms of words used in Whatsapp.
Final Short Forms of Words Used In WhatsApp
- Z Zero
- Z Z’s are calling (meaning going to bed/sleep)
- Z Meaning “Said”
- Z% Zoo
- ZH Sleeping Hour
- ZOMG Used in World of Warcraft to mean OMG (Oh My God)
- ZOT Zero tolerance
- ZUP Meaning “What’s up?”
- ZZZZ Sleeping (or bored)
Short Forms of Words Used In WhatsApp PDF
Tell us which of these words is your favorite short forms of words in the comment below.
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