Download Free Legal Agreements, Contracts & Templates

Business contract templates to assist with starting, protecting and managing business risk and operations.

Estate Planning

Estate planning templates help to efficiently deal with client family and financial concerns.

Real Estate

Real Estate templates for asset purchases, property protection and tenant/landlord lease agreements.

Most Popular

Real Estate


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement


Independent Contractor Agreement

Make sure both parties are on the same page about the project from the start.

Independent Contractor Agreement


Asset Bill of Sale

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Car Bill of Sale


Tenants in Common Agreement

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Tenants in Common Agreement


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement


Independent Contractor Agreement

Make sure both parties are on the same page about the project from the start.

Independent Contractor Agreement


Car Bill of Sale

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Car Bill of Sale


Tenants in Common Agreement

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Tenants in Common Agreement


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement


Independent Contractor Agreement

Make sure both parties are on the same page about the project from the start.

Independent Contractor Agreement


Car Bill of Sale

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Car Bill of Sale


Tenants in Common Agreement

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Tenants in Common Agreement


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement


Independent Contractor Agreement

Make sure both parties are on the same page about the project from the start.

Independent Contractor Agreement


Car Bill of Sale

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Car Bill of Sale


Tenants in Common Agreement

Ensure the legality of a purchase and sale operation of a car.

Tenants in Common Agreement


Lease Agreement

Prevent disputes and deliver clarity when leasing questions arise.

Lease Agreement

How It Works

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Edit offline with our custom GPT drafter add-on for Microsoft Word

Save your prepared template in PDF on your device or in your inbox anytime.

Benefits of Templates

Search for edit (with GPT-4) and download your Contract Templates in just a few clicks. All templates are free to view, use, edit and download. Manage andedit your saved templates from your personal secure account.

Immediate Contract

Search from thousands of free templates, edit online with GPT or download for later use.

Legal Docs & Templates

Law.Co’s templates can be easily downloaded and customized for your clients.

Jurisdictional Compliance

Wherever you are in the U.S., you
can always submit state-compliant legal documents.

Legal Updates

We use AI to ensure contract language is up-to-date.

Direct Value to Lawyers & Law Firms

With Templates, you can solve your clients' legal needs faster and more efficiently with the help of AI & GPT. Move faster, save resources and time and increase efficiency with free templates from

Monthly Users customers create and add thousands of contracts monthly to our shared database, which continues to grow.

Legal Guides

Our website, blog and other resources include dozens of legal guides and best practices.

Contract Templates

The legal document database includes tens of thousands of legal contracts and clauses for nearly any legal situation.

Shared Documents's sharing database includes a trove of free legal documents and contracts from a community of active users.


Whether you're growing business, solving family issues, or doing personal deeds, Law.Co has a template to suit your needs.

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‍ Questions

What are contract templates?

Data encryption, secure API communication, and access controls are employed to ensure confidentiality and security when using GPT.

Are legal templates legit?

Efficient Legal Research: GPT’s advanced language comprehension and semantic search capabilities enable rapid and accurate analysis of vast volumes of legal texts. It can quickly identify relevant cases, statutes, and legal precedents, significantly speeding up the research process.
‍‍Document Review Automation: GPT can automate the review of legal documents, extracting key information, summarizing content, and categorizing materials. This reduces manual effort, increases consistency, and allows legal professionals to focus on higher-level analysis.
‍‍Drafting Assistance: GPT can aid in drafting legal documents, contracts, and correspondence by providing suggested language and structure. This helps ensure accuracy, adherence to legal norms, and reduces the time required for document creation.
Enhanced Due Diligence: In mergers, acquisitions, and other transactions, GPT can assist in due diligence by efficiently reviewing and summarizing contracts, agreements, and other relevant documents, helping legal teams identify potential risks or issues.
Legal Analysis and Insight: GPT can generate insights and analysis based on complex legal questions, supporting lawyers in developing case strategies, predicting potential outcomes, and offering a deeper understanding of legal issues.
24/7 Availability: GPT-powered tools can provide on-demand access to legal information and guidance, enabling clients to receive assistance outside of regular office hours.
Continual Learning and Adaptation: GPT can learn from user interactions and feedback, continually improving its accuracy and relevance in legal contexts.
Cost Reduction: By automating repetitive tasks and expediting research, GPT can help law firms optimize their resources and reduce operational costs.
Consistency and Quality Assurance: GPT ensures a consistent and standardized approach to legal research, document review, and drafting, minimizing the risk of errors or oversights.
Access to Justice: GPT-powered tools can democratize legal information, making legal guidance more accessible to individuals who may not have the means to hire a lawyer.

Do legal templates cost money?

Using GPT technology in law presents several potential risks, and addressing these concerns is crucial to ensure responsible and effective integration:
Accuracy and Reliability: GPT-generated content may occasionally be inaccurate or misinterpret legal nuances, leading to incorrect advice or conclusions. Overcoming this risk involves continuous validation, thorough review, and refining the AI model through iterative learning based on human feedback.
Data Privacy and Confidentiality:
Sharing sensitive legal information with GPT-powered systems raises data privacy and confidentiality concerns. Implement robust data encryption, secure API communication, and strict access controls to safeguard confidential information.
Bias and Fairness: GPT models can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in training data, resulting in biased or discriminatory legal advice. Careful curation of training data, ongoing bias detection and mitigation efforts, and transparent disclosure of AI-generated content’s limitations are essential to address this risk.
Lack of Human Judgment:
GPT lacks the nuanced human judgment essential in legal decision-making. To mitigate this, legal professionals should always exercise critical thinking and independently verify AI-generated insights before making decisions.
Complex Legal Interpretation: GPT may struggle with complex legal issues that require deep legal expertise or case-specific analysis. Legal professionals should use GPT as a tool to support their work, not as a replacement for their expertise.
Regulatory Compliance: AI-generated content must adhere to legal and ethical standards. Regularly audit and update AI models to ensure compliance with changing regulations and ethical guidelines.
Dependency and Loss of Skills: Overreliance on AI could lead to a potential loss of essential legal research and analysis skills. Maintain a balance between AI-assisted tasks and nurturing human expertise.
Ethical Dilemmas: AI-powered legal decisions may raise ethical dilemmas, such as who is accountable for AI-generated advice and how to address potential conflicts of interest. Establish clear guidelines for AI usage, disclosure, and accountability.
User Misunderstanding: AI-generated content might be misunderstood by users, leading to inappropriate or incorrect actions. Provide clear explanations of AI’s limitations and encourage users to seek professional legal advice for complex matters.
Change Management: Integrating AI tools into legal practice requires cultural and procedural adjustments. Implement comprehensive training and change management strategies to ensure smooth adoption and effective use.
To overcome these risks, a multi-faceted approach is essential, including ongoing monitoring, regular model updates, transparent communication, rigorous testing, and strong human oversight. Legal professionals should embrace AI as a valuable augmentation to their expertise while remaining vigilant in ensuring the technology’s responsible and ethical use.

Where can I get legal templates?

GPT-generated content can be a valuable resource in legal proceedings, including court filings, but its usage requires careful consideration and supervision. Here’s how GPT-generated content can be employed effectively:
Research Support: GPT can assist in identifying relevant case law, statutes, and legal precedents that support arguments presented in court filings. It can quickly analyze vast amounts of legal texts to find pertinent authorities.
Drafting Assistance:
GPT can provide suggestions for drafting legal documents, including court filings, by offering language, structure, and formatting guidance. This can help ensure that filings are well-organized and effectively convey legal arguments.
Summarization: GPT can generate concise summaries of complex legal issues, aiding in presenting intricate concepts clearly and succinctly within court documents.
Standard Clauses and Language: GPT can offer standard legal clauses and language commonly used in court filings, improving consistency and adherence to legal norms.
Legal Analysis: GPT can provide insights into legal arguments, case strategies, and potential counterarguments, enhancing the depth and quality of legal analysis in court filings.

To overcome these risks, a multi-faceted approach is essential, including ongoing monitoring, regular model updates, transparent communication, rigorous testing, and strong human oversight. Legal professionals should embrace AI as a valuable augmentation to their expertise while remaining vigilant in ensuring the technology’s responsible and ethical use.