Employee Performance Goals Sample: System Administrator

Use this sample and step by step explanation for setting meaningful and inspiring employee performance goals for a system administrator.

A system administrator has the primary duty of overseeing and maintaining all Information Technology operations and related infrastructure in a company. He/she will see to it that all Technical IT operations and systems are working effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, he or she will see to it that all standards of the systems are maintained to the highest levels.

Besides that, he or she will perform the following duties; install and configure all hardware and software systems, perform troubleshooting techniques on the systems, undertake daily backup operations, develop workable security procedures and policies, monitor system logs, create and assign user accounts and maintain high system standards.

  1. Related Article: System Administrator Full Job Descritpion
  2. Related Article: Skills needed to be a system administrator

Employee Performance Goals Sample


  1. Setting Goals: List specific goals in the space provided below each competency under "Performance Goals". Assign an appropriate timeline for each goal as well as numeric or financial terms to measure the goal.
  2. Employee Comments: The employee must comment next to each goal under "Employee Comments" with "Okay" for goals which he/she feels comfortable working with, and "Needs Clarification" for goals which he/she believes need to be discussed further. An employee who is comfortable with all the goals can sign the goals at this stage.
  3. Summary: Give a summary of the total time estimated for the employee to have achieved the goals. State action plans and specific milestones to track the goals. Any additional comments agreed between the employee and the supervisor should be noted here.
  4. Human Resources Review: Human resources personnel must confirm that the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. He/she must then sign the goals in the "Human Resource" section provided under "Signatures".
  5. Signatures: When discussion of the goals has been completed and consensus has been reached, sign the goals and let the employee sign too. Send the final copy to the human resources for inclusion in the employee's professional records.

Performance Goals for Next Period

Performance Goals

Employee Comments

Be willing enough to collaborate with other when it comes to problem-solving issues.

Keep a cool head when dealing with more pressing and exhausting issues.

Communicate effectively whether in writing or verbally to ensure people understand what I am trying to pass across.

Learn to use past knowledge and experience to troubleshoot current problems.

Break big goals into smaller, manageable goals and use planners, sticky notes, and checklists to remind one to keep going

Adjust one's schedule so that it is less hectic and there is enough time for breaks

Be available to the coworkers, customers, and management and show concern

Handle all the tasks accorded with a professional view not overlooking any detail

Embrace the right attitude every day you show up for work

Respect everyone ? customers, coworkers, and management for a swift-working place

Get as much information as one can about the situation at hand and the options available to solve it

Ask questions and look at different angles of the problem in order to better understand it and be equipped to generate solutions

Organize and schedule project activities in a logical way in order to make it easier for project members to execute

Encourage and help project members to work as a team in order to meet their goals and complete the project at hand

Develop more confidence when going against the majority and when doing something new and different

Consistently follow up with existing customers, prospects, and business alliances

Show more willingness to learn how to create, use, and troubleshoot computer networks

Learn how to use different versions and types of computer operating systems

Show more willingness to learn how to work with new systems

Welcome chances to learn new skills and seek for more opportunities that enhance knowledge in existing skills


Sections 1-2: To be completed by the supervisor

Section 3: To be completed by the employee

1. Goals completed since last performance feedback

2. Goals for next period

3. Employee comments


Details EMPLOYEEPEDIA 30 June 2017