Grading in Canvas – How to Set up and Customize Gradebook

Note: This is the fourth section of a four-section Canvas Spotlight on Grading in Canvas. Below is a list of the other sections:

  1. Grading in Canvas
  2. Identify what you can and cannot grade using Canvas Gradebook
  3. Understand how students interact with Gradebook
  4. Set up and customize Canvas Gradebook

Did you know that depending on your settings (manual vs automatic) students can access grades and comments even if you are not necessarily finished grading? It’s true! While this can be a great feature, it can also be a problem if either you or your students are not prepared for it. This is just one reason why understanding the Gradebook settings is important. One critical step in using the Canvas Gradebook effectively is to set it up and customize it specifically to your needs. Canvas offers a wide variety of customizations and options, as described below.