If you lost your card, you may not need a replacement. In most cases, simply knowing your Social Security number (SSN) is enough.
If you do need a replacement, we make it easy. Answer a few questions to see if you can complete the request online, or if you need to finish part or all of your request in person. Either way, you’ll receive your Social Security card in the mail within 14 days after your application is completed.
Click the Start below and we’ll tell you the best way to apply and documents you will need.
All documents submitted must be either originals or certified copies by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. You will need proof of U.S. citizenship and proof of identity to get a Social Security Card.
Please do not mail original primary documents that should be kept secure in your possession, such as driver’s licenses, passports, or immigration documents. Please call or visit your local Social Security office if you have questions.
Some businesses offer Social Security name changes or cards for a fee. Social Security provides those services and more for free. Social Security is the best place to get information about Social Security.
If you are filing an application on behalf of someone else, you also must show us evidence of your relationship to, or responsibility for, that person. You must also show us proof of your identity.